case: University of San Andrés

Leaving a trail where there was no path

The University of San Andrés in Argentina approached us to establish its online presence. The journey began with the development of a landing page and a responsive website (UX), gradually expanding to include the creation of a commerce platform.

Hit the road

We collaborated with the University of San Andrés to build an online presence for this academic institution, handling both the Frontend and Backend development of their website.

The University required a platform to share its academic opportunities and related information. To achieve this, we utilized Drupal CMS and implemented DevOps along with a CI pipeline to streamline content updates and deployments.

We built everything from the ground up, allowing the University of San Andrés to establish its presence on the map and connect with a broader audience of potential students.





Drupal 8






  1. Gain an online presence
  2. Develop a responsive and user-friendly website (UX)
  3. Handle the complete development of both Back and FrontEnd
  4. Integrate content and design seamlessly
  5. Implement DevOps and establish a Continuous Integration pipeline


This journey began with baby steps. In the initial phase, we developed a landing page for the University. Soon after, it became evident that we needed to create an entire website capable of showcasing all the degrees and educational programs. We utilized Drupal to establish a robust BackEnd. To optimize processes, we implemented DevOps and employed Kubernetes clusters with Rancher to orchestrate and automate deployments. Finally, as the finishing touch, we integrated all social media platforms.


We successfully delivered a comprehensive site that fulfilled all the University’s initial requirements. The final product not only presented the programs and institutional details but also featured a time-saving pipeline that was manageable for administrators. Ultimately, the University of San Andrés established an online presence and became more appealing to prospective teachers and students alike.

The student’s journey

After establishing a robust online presence, the University of San Andrés approached us to develop a commerce platform offering postgraduate programs, classes, and additional services such as booking and payment for the University’s transport services and parking spaces.

For this particular project, we carefully selected a set of tools to best meet the institution’s requirements.





Google Maps




  1. Develop a commerce platform providing postgraduate programs and online classes
  2. Implement an app allowing students to reserve parking spaces at the University
  3. Establish a system for students to book the university’s bus service
  4. Integrate Google Maps into the website


For this second phase, we chose to develop the commerce platform using MySQL as the relational database management system and Decidir as the payment channel. This setup allowed users to enroll in any course or service seamlessly through the use of their credit cards. Additionally, and not least importantly, we integrated the site with Google Maps, a widely recognized and essential application, enabling students and teachers to easily locate the campus.


With the implementation of this commerce platform and integration into Google Maps, we've opened new horizons for the University of San Andrés. Current alumni can now easily locate their campus and find convenient transportation options. Additionally, by offering online courses and postgraduate programs with a seamless payment process, the University can now enroll students from various, even remote, locations.

We are delighted and proud to witness the gradual progression from establishing a digital presence from scratch to successfully completing a more comprehensive and complex project like the commerce platform.


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